Empower Your Year: Crafting Magickal Intentions

Happy 2025, my fabulous witchy friends and baby bats! You might think, "Jess, January is almost over, and you're hitting us up NOW with a blog post about intention setting?"

Yes. Yes, I am.

There's a very good reason why that is. This year, during the last bit of December, I was going through the usual process of planning, journaling, gathering together calendars, and whatnot. Call it one of the weird gifts of us ADHDers, but we can plan like the baddest of witches but usually can't execute worth shit. And I have YEARS of half-used planners and notebooks to prove it!

Let me backtrack just a tad.

Part of what I'm doing in 2025 is reconnecting with my magick through the Wheel of the Year. I have the Sabbat book series from Llewellyn, and I'm reading each one leading up to the Sabbats this year. This has also led me to a new project this year: I'm writing a new series of Sabbat guides (you can find the Imbolc one in my shop).

While starting to get into the mood for Imbolc, I realized why I often find that I start planning with a lot of excitement at Yule but then fall off at the start of January.

The time between Yule and Imbolc is a season of hibernation.

Yes, we started calling back the light at Yule, but the light didn't actually start to grow until Imbolc. We're experiencing very slow growth during that period. During this time, we're really in a period of preparation for relighting our inner fires. That means, when you think about it, it makes sense to wait until about this time to start your intention setting. I

The time between the last new moon of January and Imbolc is the perfect window for the flurry of planning we typically do between Yule or Christmas and January 1st.

But here's the other thing: even with this new cycle for getting ready for the new year, we're doing away with resolutions. That's right, intentions only!

We're dismantling the concept of resolutions as things to "fix" about ourselves. Yep, I said it! 🚫✋ The very word "resolution" suggests that there's something broken that needs mending. And darling, you are not broken. You're a magnificent work in progress! (Seriously, no "fixing" is necessary here!)

Instead, let's recalibrate our energies and set some magickal intentions that celebrate who you are NOW, guiding you towards the vibrant future you desire. Let's manifest from a place of empowerment, not deficiency!

Understanding the Power of Intention

Intentions are like a warm hug on a chilly day—comforting and filled with potential. They push us forward while honoring our desires and dreams. Rather than emphasizing what's missing in our lives, intentions illuminate our path and prepare us to welcome abundance.

Remember the key manifesting lesson: Where attention goes, energy flows. The last thing we want to do with a new year is focus our attention on how we fucked up or fell short the year before as a way to try and do better with a do-over. Nope. Let that shit go, and just focus on moving forward.

Crafting Your Magickal Intentions

So, how do we create shimmering intentions that sparkle with potential? I've created a worksheet for you that you can download for free right here. Just click the button, and you're ready to go. But before you grab your journal and get working, here are a few tips.

  • Reflect & Release: Reflect on the past year and what brought you joy. However, allow yourself to let go of anything negative energy or limiting thoughts, including perfectionism. Make your motto for the new year "progress over perfection!"

  • Get Clear on Your Desires: What do you truly desire in the coming year? Instead of thinking, "I want to lose weight," try asking yourself, "How do I want to feel in my body?" Perhaps what you truly desire is to feel empowered, energetic, or vibrant and that could come about it many different ways, not just losing weight.

  • Plunge Into the "Why": Every intention needs a root. Why do you want this? Your "why" is what fuels you to follow through with your intention, so know the reason you want to manifest this intention. Again, go back to how you want to feel!

  • Choose Your Words Wisely: When crafting your intentions, use affirming and positive language. Instead of saying, "I want to stop feeling anxious," flip it to, "I embrace calmness and peace in my daily life." When we say "I want" we often just end up wanting more but not getting it. Focus on your intentions as though they could never fail and are already happening.

  • Create Rituals to Anchor Your Intentions: Actions give life to intentions! Consider what rituals can keep your intentions in focus. Whether it's a monthly tarot reading to check in, creating a vision board, or simply lighting a candle each evening while affirming your intentions, find what resonates with you and make it a practice. Your rituals will keep your intentions alive and pumping with positive energy throughout the year.

A Simple Ritual for Sending Your Intentions to the Universe

To solidify your intentions and send them into the universe, let's work a ritual that'll add a sprinkle of magick to your process. You don't need an elaborate setup—just a few items (and maybe a bit of ambiance) will do! You will find this ritual inside your free intention guidebook. Grab it here! Totally free, no need to sign up for anything, just grab it!

Celebrate the Journey

Remember, manifestation is a journey, not a destination. Celebrate every little win and pivot along the way! Each step you take toward your intentions is worthy of applause. This is one of those reasons why taking the time to do a little journaling to check in with yourself and your intentions each week, keeping a "wins" list and a "gratitude" list is so important. The more you see little things manifest, the more you attract the bigger things.

Let's Engage!

Now that we've set the stage for magickal intentions, I want to hear from you! What intentions are you crafting for this year? Do you have any rituals that help you along the way? Share in the comments below! Let's support and inspire each other on this journey—because together, we're a force of nature. ✨

Here's to a year of abundance, joy, and unapologetic living!

Much love and witchy hugs,


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